Source: Wikimedia Commons/Aristoteles Sandoval

Critical thinking skills provide the tools with which students can deconstruct any media content they encounter.

By challenging students to ask and answer five key questions about media content, teachers can guide students to discover for themselves both the overt and covert messages that are being communicated to them.

In this resource, developed by educators for educators, we hope that teachers will find valuable lesson plans that can be immediately implemented into the classroom to create a dynamic blended-learning environment.

In each lesson, students will have the opportunity to assess and create their own media content.

This resource for teachers of Grade 11 and 12 students was created and authored by Britt Hanson, Lorn Kennedy, Jenny Lee, Tanya Walsh, Anna Wauthy, students in the course ETEC 510 – Design of Technology-Supported Learning Environments, sections 65C and 65D, at the University of British Columbia.  This course was taught by Jeffrey Miller.